Reports and latest insights from
Reports & Insights
Coastal Navigators Network – Interim Report
Following on from the inception of the Network in the summer of 2024, to bringing together the first cross network roundtable in November of 2024, BBI is happy to share the progress to date in the establishment of the Coastal Navigators Network
More & Different: Phase 2 Regional Summit
Building on the insights and recommendations from Phase 1, BBI invited stakeholders from across the health and social care world to one of our pilot sites for the first Phase 2 regional summit to highlight what we’ve accomplished so far, what we’ve learned along the way, and the critical changes needed to put our original recommendations into action…
More & Different: Phase 1 Report
This report summarises the findings of Phase One of the More and Different programme, which ran from September 2023 to May 2024 across eight locations in England, drawing on over 600 qualitative insights…
A Fair Chance
An innovative programme led by Dr. Jon Bashford and Joel Rennie, culminating in a take on employment solutions suggested and led by local people – a community-designed Job Fair held at a local community centre attended by place system partners in a show of putting talk into action, and directly tackling some of the challenges presented to us by the community.
The Care Tech Campus Challenge Fund Report
The Care Tech Campus Challenge Fund, launched in May 2023, serves as an early demonstration project for the core principles and benefits of the Care Technology Campus in Essex, which is seeking provide increased practical support for Commissioners in advancing innovations in care across Essex.
Turning the Tide
Building on BBI’s Clacton Place Programme, NHSE and Suffolk and North East Essex ICB have commissioned the Turning The Tide report on…
Outside/In: Working with Convictions: A systemic approach to Inclusive Employment
Our understanding of trauma and the profound and lasting ways in which it can affect people’s lives is increasing, and there is growing awareness of the requirement to make services more responsive to the specific needs that traumatic experiences can create…
BBI Lived Experience Leadership Pathway: “How To” Guide
An innovative approach to NHS and social care recruitment and retention was presented by Jacqui Gibson & Sherife Hasan during Breaking Barriers Innovations (BBI) recent More and Different – Improving Pathways into Employment workshop.
NHS and Social Care Workforce Recruitment & Retention – it’s time for a ‘More & Different’ approach
An innovative approach to NHS and social care recruitment and retention was presented by Jacqui Gibson & Sherife Hasan during Breaking Barriers Innovations (BBI) recent More and Different – Improving Pathways into Employment workshop.
Learning from Lockdown: Employment and Social Isolation in Lambeth
Dr Jon Bashford, Research Programme Director, and Rahim Daya, Senior Programme Manager at Breaking Barriers Innovations have conducted a strategic mapping for a programme of work aimed at reducing the health and social harms associated with unemployment and being socially isolated and lonely in Lambeth.
Swale’s Playbook for Place
George Evans-Jones, Programme Manager, and Anushka Naidu, Programme Executive at Breaking Barriers Innovations have conducted a Playbook for Place on behalf of Swale Borough Council and their partners. This concludes with a focus on equitable access to skills, competencies & opportunities for residents.
Clacton Place
Jon Bashford, Director of Research at Breaking Barriers Innovations, discusses the Clacton Place programme and how this will be working with NHS England and NHS Improvement to as part of the Core20Plus5 programme.
Pharmacy in Place
As the NHS moves into a new era with Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) due to become statutory bodies from April 2022, the time is right to consider how Community Pharmacies can support ICSs to deliver the objectives of the NHS Long Term Plan and help the NHS to restore and recover services as we move out of the current pandemic.
Laying the Foundations for Change
This report sets out the findings from a scoping exercise in support of the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government’s (MHCLG) commitment to developing its departmental strategy to address social isolation and loneliness. In particular, MHCLG were seeking to develop a toolkit for local authority planning and infrastructure staff that will assist them to make Prosocial places a reality.
A Place for Prevention
Few would argue with the age-old axiom that prevention is better than cure, and yet it still remains the case that investment on prevention is significantly lower than that for treating illness. This report is the culmination of months of user engagement across two locations in the Kent and Medway footprint. It takes into account what prevention means from the top-down and the bottom-up. It provides the blueprint for how an entire county wide approach to prevention can be implemented through using this research as a case study.
Trauma in Mind
Our understanding of trauma and the profound and lasting ways in which it can affect people’s lives is increasing, and there is growing awareness of the requirement to make services more responsive to the specific needs that traumatic experiences can create…
Connecting People and Place: An action plan for addressing social isolation and loneliness in north Portsmouth
Breaking Barriers Innovations (BBI) and Health Education England (HEE) are leading a series of pilot projects on place and the social determinants of health across England. The pilots seek to provide a facilitated and comprehensive approach to the place-based development and delivery of health and social care services that can address the social determinants of health and wellbeing.
Somerset Playbook: Final Report and Action Plan
The Covid-19 pandemic is placing health and social care professionals across the world in unprecedented situations. In the UK, the NHS and local government have worked swiftly to reshape systems and processes to contain the infection and protect the most vulnerable within their communities. The pandemic now provides an opportunity to rethink not only how the health and social care workforce can effectively deliver services, but how to make these sectors better places for staff to work and particularly to encourage young people to consider careers within health and social care.
Written Evidence for the Health Devolution Commission
In May this year, Breaking Barriers Innovations was invited to submit evidence to the Health Devolution Commission, drawn from the place-based programmes we have been working on in partnership with Health Education England (HEE). These programmes address the social determinants of health, including considering the education, training and workforce transformation implications at a local and national level.
Security of Supply: Lessons from the PPE Crisis
The word unprecedented has been widely used in relation to the Coronavirus crisis. But whilst it may have been unprecedented, it was not unpredicted. The government ran an exercise modelling its response to a pandemic in 2016, with a pandemic being the top risk on the government’s National Security Risk Assessment for some time; however key lessons have clearly not been learnt.
Thinking it Through Report
BBI convened a Roundtable on February 14 2019, which was attended by a number of senior managers and leaders from across health and social care commissioning and service delivery. The aim of this Roundtable was to identify the key challenges facing mental health services, how these are being addressed, and what the vision for the future of mental health commissioning and provision looks like, in light of the NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) and the independent review of the Mental Health Act.
Pathways, Place and Priorities for Digital Innovation Report
Breaking Barriers Innovations held a Roundtable discussion on 20th March 2019, the Roundtable provided an opportunity for decisionmakers in the NHS, Local Authorities and industry partners to explore the implications for digital technologies in light of the NHS Long Term Plan.
Bridging the Care Gap Report
This report captures a Roundtable discussion on how health and social care leaders are attempting to bridge the care gap between an overburdened acute hospital sector that has seen exponential increases in demand and a care system that is struggling to cope.
Bridging the Care Gap
Whitehall today grapples with the crisis of a generation. This crisis divides the major parties, has lain waste to electoral campaigns, and has already cost the country hundreds of millions of pounds in emergency funding, just to tread water. Yet despite this issue’s seriousness and its potential consequences for people’s lives, public understanding of it remains dismal. But this issue is not Brexit, but adult social care.
In Conversation with Lord Patel (GovTech Leaders interview): Health, Housing and the Playbook for a Better Future
Professor Lord Patel of Bradford tells us all about a new report that explores housing and the built environment and the impact it has on health – and the all-new Playbook created to help local authorities foster greater collaboration.
HOMES Report
This report draws the link between the relationship between health and housing and how the NHS and local authorities can work together to ensure both are addressed through integrated strategy, engagement with residents, workforce development and service transformation.
Education to Employment Report
This is a report done by Breaking Barriers Innovations’ Education to Employment team on behalf of Sunderland City Council, aiming to provide a springboard for discussion and with a primary focus on the radical improvement of life chances of 16-19 year olds, particularly those NEET (not in education, employment or training) and from disadvantaged background.
Sunderland: Education to Employment
In late 2017, Breaking Barriers Innovations were delighted to embark on a joint programme facilitated by Sunderland City Council looking into their education, skills, & employment agenda.
Laying the Foundations for Place-Based Health and Social Care
The aim of this report was to present a new model for integration and innovation in health and social care that uses collaboration to create a unified, cross sector strategy to estates and infrastructure as the catalyst to meet the current financial and service demand challenges.
Channelling the Flow
The aim of this report was to analyse constraints to transformational change in health and social care and present steps towards a flexible, more responsive system to more effectively manage patient flow.
The Digital Future for Health and Social Care
Digital innovation should be used as a positive force to overcome barriers to the integration of health and social care and improve standards of delivery.
Prime for Transformation?
The sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs) programme should harness and drive digital innovation as a positive force to help overcome barriers to the integration of health and social care and improve standards of delivery
Time to Capitalise on NHS Estates Strategy
There was a time when the intricacies of local government and NHS capital expenditure were delicacies best served up by specialist trade magazines for a discerning readership
Building a Sustainable Future for Health and Social Care
We developed a new model for integration and innovation in health and social care using cross-sector collaboration in estates and infrastructure to balance financial pressures and service demand challenges.
Doing it Justice
Was an independent review and the first of its kind to fully explore the opportunities a devolved approach to Criminal Justice presents.
And Justice for All
Nothing less than a ‘whole-place’ pooling of public service budgets and devolution of criminal justice system powers to local level can create the conditions for community transformation