The BBI Partners involved in each of our research programmes
NHS England partnered with Breaking Barriers in 2019 in order to pilot and evaluate national services for veterans of the armed forces. This had been given additional impetus due to the inclusion of the Armed Forces Covenant and veterans services in the NHS Long Term Plan, but also as a result of the House of Commons Defence Committee recommendation in February 2019 calling for the establishment of a national mental health trauma centre.
This evaluation centred on high-intensity trauma focussed services and was conducted in the South East of England, with a methodology designed to inform NHS England’s review of high intensity needs and how any potential service development could be scaled up for England on a regional network basis.
In 2019, BBI partnered with Health Education England to embark on its national playbook programme. The BBI Playbook programme is designed to support local system leaders across the health and social care sectors to address the social determinants of health as part of an integrated approach to place-based change and service development.
Each programme culminates in a focused action plan that includes a workforce plan for essential skills and competencies for integrated service delivery to better address the social determinants of health. This is of particular interest to HEE as they finalise the publication of the NHS People Plan.