Our latest published reports
Coastal Navigators Network – Interim Report
Following on from the inception of the Network in the summer of 2024, to bringing together the first cross network roundtable in November of 2024, BBI is happy to share the progress to date in the establishment of the Coastal Navigators Network
More & Different: Phase 2 Regional Summit
Building on the insights and recommendations from Phase 1, BBI invited stakeholders from across the health and social care world to one of our pilot sites for the first Phase 2 regional summit to highlight what we’ve accomplished so far, what we’ve learned along the way, and the critical changes needed to put our original recommendations into action…
More & Different: Phase 1 Report
This report summarises the findings of Phase One of the More and Different programme, which ran from September 2023 to May 2024 across eight locations in England, drawing on over 600 qualitative insights…
A Fair Chance
An innovative programme led by Dr. Jon Bashford and Joel Rennie, culminating in a take on employment solutions suggested and led by local people – a community-designed Job Fair held at a local community centre attended by place system partners in a show of putting talk into action, and directly tackling some of the challenges presented to us by the community.
Turning the Tide
Building on BBI’s Clacton Place Programme, NHSE and Suffolk and North East Essex ICB have commissioned the Turning The Tide report on…
Outside/In: Working with Convictions: A systemic approach to Inclusive Employment
Our understanding of trauma and the profound and lasting ways in which it can affect people’s lives is increasing, and there is growing awareness of the requirement to make services more responsive to the specific needs that traumatic experiences can create…
Pharmacy in Place
As the NHS moves into a new era with Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) due to become statutory bodies from April 2022, the time is right to consider how Community Pharmacies can support ICSs to deliver the objectives of the NHS Long Term Plan and help the NHS to restore and recover services as we move out of the current pandemic.
Laying the Foundations for Change
This report sets out the findings from a scoping exercise in support of the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government’s (MHCLG) commitment to developing its departmental strategy to address social isolation and loneliness. In particular, MHCLG were seeking to develop a toolkit for local authority planning and infrastructure staff that will assist them to make Prosocial places a reality.
A Place for Prevention
Few would argue with the age-old axiom that prevention is better than cure, and yet it still remains the case that investment on prevention is significantly lower than that for treating illness. This report is the culmination of months of user engagement across two locations in the Kent and Medway footprint. It takes into account what prevention means from the top-down and the bottom-up. It provides the blueprint for how an entire county wide approach to prevention can be implemented through using this research as a case study.