Laying the Foundations for Change
Scoping Report: Making Prosocial Places through Housing and Social Infrastructure
To be Published:
October 2020
This report sets out the findings from a scoping exercise in support of the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government’s (MHCLG) commitment to developing its departmental strategy to address social isolation and loneliness. In particular, MHCLG were seeking to develop a toolkit for local authority planning and infrastructure staff that will assist them to make Prosocial places a reality.
The report is in part informed by a roundtable discussion that brought together representatives from Government, local authorities, the NHS, the third sector and the private sector to explore what is required in the design of healthy places and to consider areas of best practice. The three areas below were the key themes discussed at the Roundtable:
- Defining: what are prosocial places and what are the current barriers to the delivery of prosocial places?
- Designing: what interventions could promote social integration in new settlements with a focus on examples of best practice and innovative thinking on how places can be designed to promote social integration?
- Delivering: how can these interventions be delivered at an affordable cost to the system and what are existing examples of affordable prosocial places?
For more information about this report, please contact